Thirsty Turtle
Florham Park, NJ

Pretzel Burger

Pretzel Burger
An 8 ounce premium Angus burger topped with American cheese, smoked bacon, Russian dressing and shredded lettuce served on a toasted soft pretzel roll

To begin with, I asked for medium well and it came out rare. The burger was a little greaser than I would have preferred. Don’t get me wrong, the burger tasted good with the super crispy bacon and the combination of American cheese & Russian dressing. I just wasn’t all that impressed.

Beer: Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA

60 Minute IPA is continuously hopped — more than 60 hop additions over a 60-minute boil.

60 Minute is brewed with a slew of great Northwest hops. A powerful but balanced East Coast IPA with a lot of citrusy hop character; it’s the session beer for hardcore enthusiasts!

Pretzel Burger

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