Urban Table
Morristown, NJ

Urban Table Burger
caramelized onions, gruyere cheese, rosemary aioli

In a previous post about Urban Table, I mentioned I wanted to try the Baja Burger, but the restaurant changed some of their menu and that specific burger was removed. Therefore, I tried the Urban Table burger.
I didn’t really know what to expect on how the aioli sauce would taste on a burger, but from the first juicy bite, it was damn good. This was the perfect combination of the melted cheese, aioli sauce and onions to make for a great juicy burger. Not only was the burger delicious, but the parmesan fries were a nice touch.
If your not hungry by reading my review, just look at the photo.  Believe me, after reading this, you will be changing your plans for lunch today.

Rating: 4 Fries Out of 5

Urban Table Burger – Urban Table

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