Bobby’s Burger Palace
Paramus, NJ


Brunch Burger
Fried egg, bacon, American cheese with adding crispy potato chips on top

This wasn’t my first time having one of these types of burgers, but it was my first time at Bobby’s Burger Palace so I had to try it. Especially asking the waiter if I should add the crunchy chips on top and he said “it’s pretty good”, with a smile. So I said why not. Well, the burger didn’t disappoint. From the first bite to the last, with egg dripping down my chin, the crunch of the chips with the bacon and the juiciness of the burger, this was so good. I would definitely go back and try other burgers on the menu. How can you not, when it’s Bobby Flay’s restaurant and they cook burgers.

Rating: 3.5 Fries Out of 5
Brunch Burger

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